29 March 2009

Street Smart Cyclist

From the split of Harrison Bergeron came Street Smart Cyclist who then split to form Snowing.

Downloads // Everything they ever recorded

Harrison Bergeron

The best stuff ever.

Downloads // 'Like Lightning 6Billion Strong' & 'Darkness Washed Over The Dude'

28 March 2009

Yo Man Go!

They do positivity punk which is just awesome pop punk, you know about living for each day, music is the saviour, being there for your friends. If i have to make comparisons... similar to Set Your Goals and Four Years Strong but they are the only pop punk bands I know.

You can download thier entire works HERE

Downloads // 'First World Problems' & 'Get Livin' or Die Tryin'

27 March 2009


If you like Algernon Cadwallader and Cap'n Jazz you will proberly like this band cause they sound exactly the same, but in a good way. In some ways a sort of americana Johnny Foreigner too.

Downloads // 'Cj Rough Wreath' & 'Yellow Car I Called It'

25 March 2009

Age Sixteen

Some skramz for you, from some dood on last fm put it, "it encapsulates the elitist nature of those who listen to the music by subtly implying that those who don't understand its meaning should get the fuck out."

oh hai i upgraded ur skramz

Downloads // 'Dear Judas' & 'Peter Pan'

24 March 2009


Its pretty good screamo noise basement garge type of thing, I dont post rubbish so give it a go, whayyy. You can get everything they have recorded on thier myspace blog.

Downloads // 'Swallowing Cities' & 'Carcassonne'

Hightide Hotel

zomg not another one...., one of them is from Street Smart Cyclist so it makes it ok.

Downloads // 'Porch Luck EP' & 'Shuttle'

23 March 2009


Very much like American Football but abit more manly, they describe themselves as 'melodic beard punk'. They have a album coming out in summer, but they have an EP which is good enough for now. Soz no individual tracks but its worth having the whole thing anyway.

Downloads // 'I know What a Lion Is EP'


US equivalent of, maybe, Wintermute or ThisCity (lol). I think they use minor chords.

ps.. Fixed the downloads, well one of them.

Downloads // 'What are you Dylan in my House'

22 March 2009


Sounds alot like Tera Melos in places. 'Party Math Rock' was the description of one of thier songs... yes.. really...

Downloads // 'Broragscom' & 'Deans la Deans'

Grown Ups

From the same area as the band below, the michigan/indiana area (Im not sure my American geography isnt that great). . They formed from the split of Lion of the North, I would strongly advise you to check them out. Youll proberly be dissapointed that they split to form another shouty boy band.

Downloads // 'Surprise Party' & 'Orange Cat'

20 March 2009

Merchant Ships

A band very similar to the great Boy Problems.

Downloads // 'I Want to Forget.... EP' & 'Old Grey'

19 March 2009

Suis La Lune

Swedish screamo band who use more of a ambient prog sound then just drop A and double bass pedals. I dont know much about screamers but he screams his lungs out rather then coughing them up making pig noises.

Downloads // 'Vi har en förmögenhet' & 'Wings of Feathers and Glue'

Algernon Cadwallader [al-jur-non kad-wall-uh-der]

A band at the forefront of some Cap'n Jazz revival thats been going on in america. Every man and his dog are in a shouty boy band over there but I cant get enough, hence the mass downloads.

Downloads // 'Look Down' & 'Serial Killer Status' & 'Hot Green EP'

Yul Brynner

Oh sweet Yul Brynner how we hardly knew you ;_; . I feel bad for missing the fact they were on Orange Unsigned Act and I didnt vote for them. They have an EP around 'Once Loved/Twice Bitten', I cant find it though without lolbuying it.

Goodbye great Yul Brynner. sadface

Downloads // 'Luke Warm'


Welcome to ma music blog, there is nothing here about tits, football or fanny xD. Dont mind me, ill just be putting up some wicked awesome bands and downloads. It will be all my music tastes and bands I think youre gonna love yes? Then maybe some stuff about Nottingham music....